Creating an e107 theme


This file contains information about the theme. It is used during installation and also during configuration of the theme.
To create a new theme.xml file or derive one from an existing v1.x theme.php file use the conversion tool here:
Example from the bootstrap theme:

		<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<e107Theme name="bootstrap" version="1.0" date="2012-12-01" compatibility="2.0">
    <author name ="e107 Inc" email="@" url="" />
    <summary>Bootstrap e107 admin theme</summary>
    <description>Bootstrap e107 admin theme</description>
        <css file="style.css" name="Default"  />
        <css file="css/superhero.css" name="Superhero" />
        <layout name='default' title='Default' default='true' />
        <layout name='default-home' title='Default Home'>
        <layout name='hero' title='Hero' />
        <layout name='marketing-narrow' title='Marketing Narrow' />
        <layout name='docs' title='Documentation' />
Tip: If you are developing a commercial theme, you'll want to add a few extra attributes so that it displays correctly in the admin area under "Find Themes". .

<e107Theme name="bootstrap" ... <strong>price="25.00" currency="EUR" url=""</strong> >

Just package your theme's zip file with only the theme.xml and any images (including screenshots) , excluding .php, .css files etc. before sharing it.
When the user clicks to download the theme, it will display the url you have provided.

Friday 14 June 2013 - 00:00:00 admin,

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