Last IP v0.5

Description:This plugin writes into db last 5,6,10, ... IP addresses used by some user.
It uses menu with no output to do its work. In admin section, you have options, and ability to view users, and their IPs in list, you can sort the list and search in it.
Plugin is able to use e107's 'user' table, but then you can't store more than one IP per user, and date can not be written too.

Change 0.5
- FIXED, maybe bug with date, now date is calculated according user's timezone.
Server must be GMT 0, or you must adjust a suitable timezone from your profile.
- FIXED bug with records list.
- FIXED another bug with records list.
- ADDED ability to delete records from the custom table.
Released:23 Jun 2006 : 08:33PM
Requirements:e107 v1 or higher
